
Same day Apartment Cleaning


Same day apartment cleaning does not have any discount. Please note: if you are not satisfy with our cleaning, we will come back within 3 business days to clean your place again free of charge. This free second cleaning is offered because we do not issue a refund on our cleaning services.

Same day apartment cleaning order must be placed between 9 am-12 pm. any order placed after 12 pm will not be processed same day.

Here are the cities we currently serve in Florida:

Cooper City, Davie, Dania beach, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Hallendale Beach, Lazy lake, Miramar, Pompano beach, Plantation, Pembroke pines, Pembroke park, Sunrise, Lauderhill, Wilton Manors, Aventura

Enter full service address*

+ $0.00

Pick date of service*

+ $0.00

What time you want the service?*

Do your place need to be vacuumed?*

Minimum Cleaning*

+ $31.25
+ $31.25
+ $31.25
+ $31.25

Additional bedrooms add-on

+ $10.00
$10 per additional bedroom

Additional bathrooms add-on

+ $15.00
$15 per additional bathroom

Additional Living rooms add-on

+ $10.00
$10 per additional Living room

Additional kitchen add-on

+ $10.00
$10 per additional kitchen

Cabinets Cleaning Add-on

+ $0.99
$0.99 per cabinet cleaning

Blinds Cleaning Add-on

+ $1.99
$1.99 per blind cleaning

Interior Window Cleaning Add-on

+ $1.99
$1.99 per window cleaning

Additional Cleaning Add-Ons

+ $0.00
+ $5.00
+ $5.00
+ $15.00
+ $15.00
Product price:
Additional options total:
Order total:
Browse Wishlist
SKU: CCC0001655 Category:


We will clean your apartment same day you placed your order and make it look brand new for very affordable prices.

Same day apartment cleaning includes:

1 kitchen

1 bathroom

1 livingroom

Same day apartment cleaning does not includes:

Fridge or refrigerator cleaning

Oven cleaning

Windows cleaning

Microwave cleaning

Cabinets cleaning